Please Go Through Everything Before Your Session

Keniesha T. Rhooms

Common Questions

1. How do you usually work with clients?

Typically we have one-on-one sessions over the phone and , in some cases in person or over zoom calls.

2. What can I expect from the call?

From our booked sessions, clients can expect to Visualize their future wealth, Understand their debt-to-income ratio, Review their Credit Report, Discover financial deficiencies, Learn about different savings vehicles and strategies, Explore ways of making additional income and increasing their cash flow, Understand mortgage requirements and put themselves in the best financial position possible in the eyes of a lender to secure competitive loans .

3. Who is Keniesha T. Rhooms ?

Today I want to share my experiences and take professionals on a wealth journey that makes “work” optional and create those pillars of wealth for a successful financial future. With a series of tools, strategies and discipline I was able to become wealthy. I have created for myself multiple streams of income including several income producing homes, diversified assets and a thriving business. The only thing is that I wish I had done this sooner! It is invaluable to create generational wealth and I am glad to be in a position to help others like you start sooner in this endeavor. Keniesha T. Rhooms holds the prestigious PMP certification and has an honors degree in finance and accounting. She is an entrepreneur at heart, a corporate businesswoman and a Mom at best. She is also a certified project manager who, over the past 10 years has implemented multi-million-dollar projects within different companies as a Management Consultant.

Disclaimer: Investing of any kind carries risk and it is possible to lose some or all of your money. Any training provided is general in nature, and some strategies may not be appropriate for all individuals or all situations. We make no representation regarding the likelihood or probability that any actual or hypothetical investment will achieve a particular outcome or perform in any predictable manner.